When Class of 70 Riders Get Together...
Good Fun Happens !!!
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about your "mini-reunions" with fellow classmates. Email info (date, place, occasion) and pics in jpg format to [email protected]. |
August 14, 2020: A Mini-Reunion of 3! Jerrold Kam met up with Lorinda (Chang) Waltz and Ron Pang while delivering orders of some of his RHS Collectibles. |
July 13, 2017: Classmate Judy (Lum) Taira and husband Dan (Hilo HS 1970) relocated to Fountain Hills, CA many years ago, but stays connected with family and friends with regular visits to the islands. Ala Moana Center's Food Court provided a centralized meeting spot with more than enough choices of food.
Interesting Tidbit: Fellow classmates Kathy and Richard Hughes are NOT twins. They are two years apart, making Richard the "oldest" in our class.
Interesting Tidbit: Fellow classmates Kathy and Richard Hughes are NOT twins. They are two years apart, making Richard the "oldest" in our class.