Last updated 11/01/2016

Fun Event Held for a Great Cause
Members of the Class of 70 from Roosevelt, Kaimuki, and McKinley teamed up again to put on a successful event--this one to benefit The ALS Association Golden West Chapter in the fight against Lou Gehrig's Disease. The Seniors' Prom was held on Saturday, September 24, 2016 at the St. Louis Alumni Association Clubhouse in Moiliili. And although the traditional "prom dress code" was set as voluntary, many guests took the opportunity to dress up and glam-up.
The evening featured a hot 'n heavy pupu bar, an informal discussion on Medicare basics (for many of us entering the magical milestone age of 65), and an informative presentation by ALS Association representatives. Entertainment included a spirited Variety Show, numerous drawings for raffle prizes, and old-school 60s-70s dance music by Back Den.
Special recognition and appreciation goes to the event's co-chairpersons: our own classmate Steve Masui and Rusti Oishi from the Kaimuki Class of 70, as well as the many volunteers for their hard work, their donations of time, talent and resources, and their strong positive spirit. Heartfelt gratitude also goes out to classmates, friends, and businesses in the community who contributed monetary and merchandise donations, and of course, all who attended and participated in The Seniors' Prom.
A Mahalo Letter from The ALS Association Golden West Chapter:
Pictures from The Seniors' Prom
Mahalo to Channing Ching, Cookie Fujio, Sandy Lee, Jenny Wu, Rodney Leong, and Russell Higa for providing these pictures. More will be posted as received. Most of the pictures below have captions. To read the caption and for a larger view, simply click on the picture.
Mahalo to Channing Ching, Cookie Fujio, Sandy Lee, Jenny Wu, Rodney Leong, and Russell Higa for providing these pictures. More will be posted as received. Most of the pictures below have captions. To read the caption and for a larger view, simply click on the picture.